Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Title Is "I've Been Wondering the Yummies and The Tummies" - well, not really the tummies

I've been thinking about it. Have you ever been having a 'my funny thoughts yummy'? Try to make them all and see if they work. They might not; but great job trying.

Well, really, well anyway, I've been thinking if you would like to be wondering the yummies but not the tummies, let's see. Would you like to make a recipe? Here's a new one; grape grone. I'll tell you about the recipe next time.

But I'd like to tell you - never break something or smoosh a grape. One more thing - say goodbye to the food if you smoosh it up. Smoosh means like to make something like squash up or make something squeeze. Anyway, bye-bye. I'd like to make a picture. Maybe I'll watch you too.

1 comment:

  1. What is grape grone? I love recipes. I invented a fake company called Dandy Kitchen Thoughts. You'd be good at it. I just don't want to eat anything scary.
