Saturday, September 26, 2009

Theme Song of The Little Town of Fly Land

The little town of Fly Land
( in song mode )

Where the stuffed
animals fly.

Yes, little land
of Fly Land.

It's little.
It's a land.

It's tiny.
It has fly in front of its name.
Oh if I could visit some
where soon I could visit it.
Yes I could but it's not the same
as it could be.

Yes little land of Fly Land.
Stuffed animals can fly
not like the people can
their owners and friends.

But whether you're a
stuffed animal or owner
or friend it doesn't matter.
You can fly in Fly Land.

Oh but if you do have a
chance to fall you have a
friend there. Even stuffed
animals can talk and
move on their own.

Yes, the entze.


  1. After a full day (Foona assisted mommy and daddy with a long day of business stuff), she decided it was time for relaxation and to write a song. Then we found a picture of her when she wasn't quite two and isn't she cute?

  2. Fiona here. I'm making my own Chinese. asyd (that means mouse) yu (that means you) 7yuh (that means 7 people) tea (that means new bag of tea) 8uhytr (that means underwater blob of blub)

  3. Underwater blob of blub?!? That's ridiculous!
