Saturday, March 6, 2010

Openings? Closings? Who Will Choose? Why?

Let's start with openings - have you ever thought of a door that was always open and would never close even if someone tried to close it? It's amazing how openings are not doors. They are windows! So if a door is stuck open, try pulling harder or getting some help closing it. Then you can at least go with uhm... the amazing parts of your la la, well not exactly la la, but strong arms.

Go with closings - have you ever thought of a door that was always closed and would never open if you tried to? This is really very much related to the let's start with openings. So as you all know if you are reading this that you should know about how to open and close. If the door will not open try getting someone to help you push it open. ehelp?!

Now at last go with a mixture - have you ever thought of doing it both at the same time? That's a marathon olose. Now at last we are picturated.

1 comment:

  1. Fiona will be six later this month. She loves to help us out around our home office. It's been a while since she's posted here at her blog. But watch for more posts soon.

    Just so you know, she dictates these to me so these are all her words - exactly! In fact, she even gives me the punctuation - where to put a dash or comma and other punctuation. Like dots.
