Sunday, March 21, 2010

Do You See My Plants? Do You See My Plants? Tell me in your comments you see my plants!

Do you see my plants? Did you know that they are growing? Do you see both of them? Or just one? Answer these questions in your comment. To get into the bean plants let's say you are inside of the bean plants (I sometimes call them blean plants) and that you think they are venus fly traps and that you are a fly. You are the one that likes the sugary droplets inside a venus fly trap. As you see you'd be inside the stems because there would be no way else to make you be inside a venus fly trap. To get out of the venus fly traps and the red squiggles let's say you were riding through a submarine into the ocean pretending you were swimming inside the submarine. Haaahaaahaaa!!!!!

Did you see that balloon go? Where did it go? Did you see it? It's in the living room now. Go before it flies out the window. Get it! Don't you see it? Hurry up. It's flying out the window. Get it, get it!!!!!!!!!! Do you see it, do you see it? Oh, sorry I'm talking about the plants. Sorry about the balloon. Bean plants. Bye, bye! Oh and the bean plants would like to say hello. Say hello bean plants.


  1. I think it's amazing that we only planted these one week ago and they sprouted and grew so quickly!

    Fiona says: This will have to be in my own Chinese but mommy will translate it for me. xzane halta ytan yu casaiu nasdi opa hampt. golaow!

    Translation: These are my bean plants. I decided you. Goalowna!

  2. Very cool bean plants Fiona! I planted paper whites (that's a kind of flower) in January and by my birthday in February I had lots of tiny white flowers. I like to watch plants grow too.
