Thursday, July 1, 2010

Qwert me!

How to describe the title:

  • A virtual pet game
  • Qwert may be what you name your virtual pet
  • The way I found Qwert and Qwerty was I found it on the keyboard
  • And last I think I would like to say that I think it should just be what your virtual pet says when it sees you walking by it.
  1. Pets are best
  2. Life is boring and three...
  3. I don't think anybody pays attention to me unless I don't pay attention to them.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Goody goody goody! I am going to go on a trip. I think the trip will be the best thing in the world except for some other things. But I think this one will be rated 2000, just 3 less than all the others. Well, maybe not. Oh, in case you're wondering, I'm going to Canada. Read all about it at my parent's website.

Well, I'm going to CANADA!

Well this might be a long paragraph, but it's a whole paragraph of a few recipes. So here are the recipes. Start a new paragraph, a long one please.

The recipe for going to Canada. (There will also be other recipes too.)

Things you will need to make it:

  • A pan
  • A stove
  • Your hands
  • Your eyes
  • And the last thing you will need to make it is the special ingredient, and that can be whatever you want! That's the special ingredient!

And how to make it is:

  • First, you should put these ingredients: a whole bunch of strawberries and some melted chocolate in the pan.
  • Then, scoop it up. 
  • Put it back in the pan and start cooking it. (Let an adult do this.)
  • If you are a child and you have somebody else to watch the stove, make the table and clear it too.
  • Now, use your hands to pat the table and get some dough and then pat the dough.
  • Cook the dough. Use your eyes to watch it. And when it's ready, and the other stuff is too, then set it at the table and let the family eat it!
  • Yeahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Fiona's Cars She Got At a Yard Sale in Service

...and the car by my mouth is m... oh, k. Fiona got these toy cars at a yard sale out in service. Okay, so this is all about the cars, the car by my mouth is a safari car and it is my speaker, one is a ambulance, blah blah, ... ( oh, ) i crashed the cars, on and on...  

Monday, March 29, 2010

Fiona's Own Chinese - falonea woqne cine

So did you know that I have my own Chinese? Well maybe in the end I can make some English words and then translate them to my own Chinese. Isn't that cool? I like it. If only I was Chinese. Because I like China. I have a Panda of my own even. Myown! He he! (Myown! is said like my own) So time for Chinese sentence. The English sentence is: picture time in my mind. Whew! Now Fiona will translate her own Chinese from English to Chinese: la pickua teame mi zu meyus. Okay. Now that you know picture time in my mind in my very own Chinese sentence let me say it for you. la-pick-oo-a team-e-me-zoo-me-us. There now you know how to say it. And at last pictureate it. The End.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Do You See My Plants? Do You See My Plants? Tell me in your comments you see my plants!

Do you see my plants? Did you know that they are growing? Do you see both of them? Or just one? Answer these questions in your comment. To get into the bean plants let's say you are inside of the bean plants (I sometimes call them blean plants) and that you think they are venus fly traps and that you are a fly. You are the one that likes the sugary droplets inside a venus fly trap. As you see you'd be inside the stems because there would be no way else to make you be inside a venus fly trap. To get out of the venus fly traps and the red squiggles let's say you were riding through a submarine into the ocean pretending you were swimming inside the submarine. Haaahaaahaaa!!!!!

Did you see that balloon go? Where did it go? Did you see it? It's in the living room now. Go before it flies out the window. Get it! Don't you see it? Hurry up. It's flying out the window. Get it, get it!!!!!!!!!! Do you see it, do you see it? Oh, sorry I'm talking about the plants. Sorry about the balloon. Bean plants. Bye, bye! Oh and the bean plants would like to say hello. Say hello bean plants.

Friday, March 19, 2010

This is My Watch Me Grow! Bean Plants - They are Growing, Don't You See?

The title is like a tune. But let's get into the bean plants. They were planted not too long ago from this Friday 19. So I decided to water them every Saturday and Tuesday. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now here's the recipe for bean plants.

Bean seeds, dirt, a pot, some water.

Here are the instructions for making bean plants.

Put some dirt in a pot. Then put the seeds in. Then water them and wait and water them 2 days each week. So don't you see? The End.

Me and My Tree (Pretend it is Music)

This is me and my tree standing together in the front yard. There's no fence, my mommy got the picture. But to continue the tree. You see there are lots of blossoms as you can see in the picture. I like the blossoms. Everyday it looks like it's closer to spring than it was yesterday. So-o, yeah like that, so as you see in these blossoms they're pretty much all white. Do you see me?! Do you see me?! The End